Thursday, February 16, 2012

Selling the value of product conversation to customers

Engaging a customer in a formal product conversation requires some preparation. You need to be ready with three things.

1. The general hypothesis
2. The product value proposition
3. The specific value your product will bring for the customer you are talking to.

The most important thing the product team needs to have is a general hypothesis. For example if you are building a product that helps a company become more sustainable, you should be ready with empirical evidence that supports your argument about the need for a more sustainable world. The next step is to articulate how the idea you have will make the world a more sustainable place. The third step is to demonstrate your knowledge about your customer's specific needs and convey how your proposed product will make their organization more sustainable.

Finally, wrap all these points into a message that you can convey in different time durations. You should be able to convey the message in two minutes, in five minutes or in fifteen minutes. No matter what the duration, the message should come across clearly and succinctly. Practise it. You may not get it right the first time. So fine tune it as you go.

It is important to note that you are not selling a product. You are only asking your customers to invest their time in product conversations. From our experience we have learned that customers always make time for stimulating conversations about new products and ideas. It is your job to ensure that the conversations are stimulating and stay simulating.

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